コロナ時代の腐敗防止とグローバル・ガバナンス “Anti-Corruption and Global Governance in the age of COVID-19″【開催済】


“Anti-Corruption and Global Governance in the age of COVID-19”




Corruption refers to illicit transactions and activities such as bribery. Today, even in the face of the corona scourge, the illicit trade in medical supplies, vaccines, and even foodstuffs necessary for daily life tends to increase. It is said that countries with less corruption, such as Scandinavian countries, have richer and more developed societies. The issue of anti-corruption is a common global challenge that transcends social, economic and cultural differences.

The symposium will look at the post-Corona society and examine not only the health of the global population, but mainly the health of the social system.


Moderator: Professor Mariko Shoji, International Exchange Committee(Chair), School of International Studies, Keiai University, Professor

 Opening  Remarks

President Koji Fukuda, School of Political Science and Economics Waseda University, Professor

Vice President Michiyo Obi, Faculty of Policy Studies, Nanzan University, Professor


Dr.Mergen Dyussenov, Advisor to the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, former deputy director of the Institute of Management at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan

Analysis of Anti-Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism  (AML/CFT) through Policymaking Stages

Prof. Eiji Oyamada, Professor,Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University

Global anticorruption initiative in times of COVID-19

Prof. Makiko Nishitani, Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University

Global Civil Society Initiatives for Transparency in the Age of COVID-19


Prof. Toru Umeda, The College of Foreign Studies, Reitaku University,Professor

Q&A session

Closing Remarks :

Vice-President Toshiya Nakamura, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Professor

*Language: English only (英語のみ)


*Host: Japan Association of Global Governance


*Date: JST: 19:00 pm ~21:00 pm, March 17, 2021, AMLT:16:00pm~18:00pm。March 17.2021, UTC: 10:00am~12:00 pm, March 17,2021

*Venue: ZOOM from Japan


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カテゴリー: 国際交流委員からのお知らせ パーマリンク